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25/02/2024Visit to the Ecumenical Patriarchate (December 2023)

The director of Agape, Mr. Emmanouil Toufexis, met with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to present the Agape discipleship material titled “Going Deeper with Jesus Christ” and to seek his blessing.
His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew granted his blessing to this material, with the following message:
“To the most highly Esteemed Mr. Emmanuel Toufexis, Director of the Organization «Agape – Αγάπη», child of our Mediocrity, beloved in the Lord – grace and peace from God.
In a fatherly manner we add our blessing to the publication of the catechetical resource under the title «Going Deeper with Jesus Christ – Group Bible Study» from the Christian Organization «Agape – Αγάπη». This elegant and meticulous handbook for the study of the Gospel of Saint Luke constitutes an easily used guide for the participants of the Group Study of the Holy Bible and for its catechetical leader, because in a simultaneously contemporary and traditional manner it guides one into the mystery of familiarity with Christ.
In order that the saving message of the Gospel reach the mind and the hearts of the people, it must be expressed in a contemporary way, without however sacrificing «one iota» of the Biblical truth. «Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever» (Heb. 13:8). The achievement of this goal is promoted in this present publication through quotations from the texts of the Fathers of the Church, the God-stirred interpreters of the Holy Bible.
While congratulating the contributors to this delightful initiative and publication effort, we bestow to them and to its future readers our Patriarchal blessing, and we invoke upon you all the lavish grace and the incalculable mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
Mr. Toufexis expressed his belief that this material can lead us to a better understanding of the person of Jesus Christ and to a more personal relationship with Him, which will significantly impact every area of our lives.