Agape’s Donation to the Municipal Nursery “Saint Stylianos” (July 2022)
A Contribution to the Tanzania Orphans Mission (T.O.M) (March 2023)
30/03/2023Distribution of the New Testament and the JESUS Film by the Holy Metropolis of Demetrias and Almyros (December 2022)

The Holy Metropolis of Demetrias and Almyros is distributing thousands of copies of the New Testament in Modern Greek, both in printed and digital form, along with the JESUS film provided by Agape Hellas, throughout the region of Magnesia.
Volunteers from each parish receive the above materials in sealed plastic bags and then distribute them door-to-door.
According to His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius, the distribution has been completed in the broader region of Magnesia and now continues within the Municipality of Volos.
In the accompanying leaflet, His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius states:
My dear friends,
On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of our national rebirth, we are offering a copy of the New Testament to every household in our community.
The Triune God has honored us Greeks, for He willed that His Word would be written in our language. This honor, however, comes with a great responsibility: the reading and study of His Word.
The truth is that, while we are known as a deeply religious people, we often remain unaware of the contents of the Gospel, the message of which captivated the Greek world two thousand years ago and shaped its culture and identity.
Today, as values and institutions from centuries past are being questioned and redefined, our need for re-evangelization and a return to the source of our Faith is imperative. Let us rediscover the revolutionary and life-giving message of the Good News, about which Jesus said: “The words I have spoken to you—they are spirit and they are life” (John 6:63). Speaking to the Sadducees, He also said: “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures” (Matt. 22:29).
Error lies not only in the distortion of truth, but also in ignorance of it. For this reason, Saint John Chrysostom warns us: “Great is the chasm and deep the pit of ignorance of the Scriptures, and it is a great betrayal of salvation not to know even one of the divine laws.” At the same time, he encourages us: “The study of the Scriptures is an opening of heaven.”
So let us open heaven daily and be nourished by the Word of God!